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Plastics contribution to climate protection / Summary

A wide variety of materials types have a role to play in meeting the needs of modem society and indeed materials are often selected for their efficiency or synergy within a system or product combination. In the context of the EU commitment to reduce GHG ...

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The impact of plastics on life cycle energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in Europe

Plastics generally have a poor or negative image in comparison with other materials, in particular with regard to their perceived impact on the envi- ronment and use of resources. The intention of this and earlier ...

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Life Cycle Assessment for Three Types of Grocery Bags - Recyclable Plastic; Compostable, Biodegradable Plastic; and Recycled, Recyclable Paper

In the pursuit to eliminate all that is not green, plastic seems to be a natural target. Its widespread use in products and packaging, some say, has contributed to environmental ...

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Plastics – the Facts 2018

Plastics – the Facts is an analysis of the data related to the production, demand and waste management of plastic materials. It provides the latest business information on production and demand, trade, recovery as well as employment and turnover in the plastics industry ...

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Plastic Packaging Saves Food

Food waste represents not only a loss of the product itself, but also all those resources that have been used in the manufacturing process, e.g., land, fertilisers/pesticides, raw materials, ingredients, water, energy and manpower. To produce one kilogram of beef, for example, requires over ...

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